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    In Current Working State:

    In Current Working State:

    Learning Disordered:

    Learning standard - instrumental learning /barrier interpretant/interpretancy self-reflection 

    (negate formed resolve, awareness instinctulite- liscentrasperic - luscence-instrunctual-insightment)

     guided learning - resolves are self-reflectivity

    of course - respression further of selfness - psychological

    instructment instead of normalises a standard of achieving - 'you did

    well' instead of 'good job' - then negative resolvent standard -

    combativeness needs to be issues overlayed of length to raise the

    negative resolvant standard - recognition of instructment - psychtro-

    instinctuites, fear relief - scared awareness [awareness height of aware of own scared state] - to instruct into

    learning span is of scared - to raise the awareness levels in

    instructionals - etc. alleviating is a standard of submussion -

    plateau of acceptance used against- religious silencing (dillusiveness

    /interpretance /interpretist)

    resolve/resolvent/resolventry/resolventrace./s of life span

    calculative ; faced instinctualicence/liteighntess, combative in

    moment alleviated dissection with pauses; overlaying span

    attributating, national distrinctmentenehensces /faced

    obligate/degatement/negating scentrients  - psychological repression impacting on mind (impairing

    standard of psychology repressive - negated learning premise, 'reclusion furtherances' - to mind adapt

     to wording learning forming self-focus of learning on word structuring as greater

    (mental box /barrier of self-formatory) )

    Understanding working on : Psychtro-adaptive-focus-resolvement-acuity-impaction-inaccurate-transluscence-impairment

    (in-cognitive self-preclusion self-formatory-studied-reclusion - self-incognitive-impacting)

    State of distinctulite (only 'trapper' /apparent lack of understanding)

    simplified : caring persceptive assigned standardisation needed, furthering mental entrapment -

    no re-engagement proticality to re-elevatance attribute of learning structural self-formatory-

    fear non-engagement needed (avoidance of needed during distanced engaging of care) (or from my learning) exactratacatating needed delusive religious re-engagement;comforting height-

    of caring re-attributing of nerve itself -

    --scared self-re-atrialment awarenesses* -detrimentalist-

    Multiplicity of thought acuity to recognition normality/actuality -self-in-pacting thought* fear resolute plateau of impaction- psychotropic-intensification-sensitivity- self-impacting psychological traumatisation (transmitation) submussive mind plateau - *forceful oppressive/acceptance plateau (resolute/alleviate)

    -accuracy of actuality-reflective in awareness instinctual existing- [fear combatance trained of selfness, fear reflective of actuality of acts against, acceptance of unnatural extenting] acceptance formational extenting (recognition of all pretenses- a higher calculative psychological repression ability formed into instinctulite behaviourals -impacting barrier on self in health treating against -psychological subjective/subjecting level- outer-body*)

    Word Con-struction : persceptory viewing angle self-impacting to narrowing formation field of mind or exentual over-examplification 'delusive delightful/heighting' of - thought focus on and formed into contextual achieve-mental subjection on into actuality of living/attributing/attribulating furtherances; eglistic description over-look- occurant self-formatory non-eglistict negative resolute formationary - [actuality of respectful dilemenative of mental] comforting acceptabilities forced upon neural-plaintive- neural-plastinative-
    Inner-conscious existing through psychological repression/submission into aparted from a forwarding awareness (extreme pain level)
    -exacting learning method the subjects portrayal emulation of; learning teaching music, to learn the person into such belief of the exacting faced/de-facement /lacing of issues -exacting taught, exacting of belief rotation- a religious dillusive seen attributed, subject/subjected of belief - calculative learning of taught to reflective actual existant/existance/sensory of belief height - psychological /information level - clarification/perceptive actuality of existant (religously dellusive /persecuted complex seen in overcomes to behavioural /speaking /speaking over/formational no sympathetic towards how viewed, a trained in reflective lack of ampathy/empathy for persecutes -)

    -Acceptance and acceptance plateau of being the weak, of desired /love for you- love for self - acceptances plateau of inferior-ability, tactism resolve - resolute span of ; a war state of mental - religiously /dillusivery teaching (construction /accomplishment) reverberation/restriction of awareness (mental objectiveness, subjection of dillusivery of ethics of religion-) to be in a perceptive of teaching/instruction (learning ethnicity /moral of; not of inferior) defensive through exacting of holding the stated issue (reflective of instruction as to be, 'a need to defend oneself to attributed perceptive of the learning normality (psychological perceptive base, in-accurate psychological standing-) a de-value/de-voidation of self and reality/selfness resolute/alleviates (seen acceptance revolve - 'you are the child mentality' of resolve, traumatisational eventing prior and on memory recollective cohesive /calculate) subject to revolving inability to be of explanation, torture of mental's premise - foreseen ability of learning subject 'awareness of actuality' repression against and opressiveness and instruction facing with no defense against percene

    - traumatisational self-reflection and self-reflection inability among scared intensifications /adaption seen to overcome long periods/forwarding of speech confidence - scared awareness - dellusive forwarding of self to perceived anability standardisations- calculative failure of entrapment standard, self-focus intensification /memory calculation fright resolute - luscent submussion plateau's thought awareness span height of, awareness infracturement; insightment negate; self-manipulation thought control inability; cohesive dialescensc; aspiration for the positive [calculative of religious told in-sightment /enlightenment principality]


    -dreamworld - people walking around in uncertainty - nervous, avoiding, cautious - imagining, thinking in drifts about things, this equals that - 'ahh understanding' - (another dream) sectional thoughts - this person is this and rationalised it even though may be wrong - cute kid, better not look too much, might smile even though is not my kid, might talk to this person in a friendly manner, might re-assure this person in what they are doing - sectional dreamworld. fear in each second in public, even if some learn to ignore or use self-manipulative fear over-comes or drugs, drugs furthermore are greater than height (also dreaming, the moment is greater than instead of the moment of actuality - ex-amplification of thought itself - exasperation)-(overlay - the moment being of greater effect than actually is - amplified existing in momentary)
    amplification of nerves in moment in public reflective span in public -allusiveness in characterisations and personality traits - nervous reactive to confrontation of others in public- nerve [fear] reflective reverberate to -reflective insightment to above- fearful public connectethesis &+ disconnectedness in spanning in groups, instinctual behaviour (impacting reactivity between in-gatherings) cautious reflective fear instinctulites between being of actual - reflective cohesion of psycho-accentuates dream targeting itself - design in dreams - dream attachment furthering of individual span reflective investigatory re-activates -dreaming furtherance reflective spanning - 'imaginative nervousness in public area communicants reflective between' - reflective attributive' span- belief engagement in public nervousness infliction (thoughts that stray) imaginative -

    Sport : 
    compete, love for player/team -  focus and portrayal on your team being the better - closeness to game, elevations in competetive struggles /moments forms an alleviate when your team suceeds, forming a closeness of involvement - your aspired to or liked/loved player/team - competetive struggle, your player making mistake, your team loosing - forms an emotional/supportive /deppresant resolve plateau of and amplification on thought/focus of player/team. Oppressive suspense /alleviation-

    Dominant race:
    Reflective power/authoritarian obedience spans in governmental/law structuring, sexually momentary of oppression, war, stance of Governmental inter-infliction /conflict - the animal, psychic transperancy reflection between cohesion of living earth creatures - dominate, oppression - fear, instinctual behavioural's and interpret between communicants to a furthered adaption/understanding degree - genetically/artificial modified race, base level of all living things; psychotropic-cohesion, incidental behavioural's of needs to aspire seen in youth and adults behavioural portray/emulation of greatness (hardcore, gangster etc.-)  dominating behavioural's - a need to assert standing or in control of the herd, to be the dominant or the stronger than another psychically or to possession regards, to assert control. Nervous over-comes /alleviates in conversation momentary (intensity of nerve sensitivity -) [Nerve-psycho-interpret]


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