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Mental Health: Long Instrinctment - | Australian News and Analysis Mental Health: Long Instrinctment - | Australian News and Analysis

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    Friday, 12 June 2015

    Mental Health: Long Instrinctment

    The standard of mental health - 'learning dis-ordered'

    Electro-static electricity spans- Mental health Patients are Psychic- Your negative resolve, is the Psychiatrists answers!

     thought insertion technologies -

    Anti-psychotics drain nutrient-vitality - 

    No such thing as treatment - all you can do is remove psychic forwarding recognitions- to further perceived weakness in Psychiatrist by Psychiatrist - their resolve that subjects you when your negative resolve becomes their adaptive answered ; seen as weak - you become weaker- medication will block this Psychic ability by removing the reflective recognition factor - it is mental/physical mind structure damage simply- psychological medication impairment till psychic ability is removed - in this there is extreme anguish in damage caused by doing so - with the furthest form of schizophrenia (psychic natural) being the most heavily treated - 

    Patients formed into sleep reliance's - at first 'agitation' till acceptance' 'snapping points' - then reliance on needing it  - this is seen as an improvement stupidly by Psychiatrists - a plateau of sleep in mind formed and reliance to re-inhibit this plateau (heavily addictive) -this can be seen by child-like acceptances formed 'obeying' the Psychiatrist finally - lining up finally 'impatient in lines' in needing this medication subjection 'to re-lower own mind plateau' to think 'I need to lower myself partially into sleep plateau-' 'it helps' when in-fact is a heavy reliance on putting self to a medium- forming of a mind plateau (sedative agents) forcing submission of the mind - heavy reliance on' - this can also be seen by a standard of relying on meals (child-like' regards) - (damage caused) 

    -being shy/scared is not accepted under mental health (paranoid) - expect to be drugged to hell till speak forwardly-advice: if are shy/scared attend all appointments after a beer and do not tell them [light beer, enough, but not noticeable] and of course after long treatment - suddenly you are seen as being improved because can speak (thoughtless) openly.

    -Psychiatrists prey on your thoughts - they disect them with you being partially aware 'instinctual recognition' - be careful of letting it effect you, the species preys on your weakness most just like to believe they see much more but obviously are subject to human abnormalities of learning like anyone else [inability to thought acquire all angles; subject to self decline of psychological factoring] these vampires of darkness see nothing positive in you, even a positive thought about you becomes a negative resolve-be aware of mental entrapment - they want to see simply 'no care happiness, positive selflessness' - this is the treatment outcome, so the quicker you disregard your own memories, the better chance you have of survival- do not, I repeat, do not attempt to fight it even though you know you are falling asleep in mind, as you are probably already in a mental slumber and will always fail in this - they would never personally take anything of the sort of medication they issue, they are aware of the issues to a tracing of psychological's extent; and will further even hold you to account for, knowingly, of most factors- its simply re-arrangement and you must believe and accept there is no capable defense of- forgot law suits, there is no defense in this, unless retain a financial standing already-

    -Mental health will simply leave you often obese and the resulting is self-hate - long term impairment means they often slow down on the medications because they accept they drained the minds practicalities enough, that they have impaired the patient enough - but often they will keep it up till the psychology of body is drained into self-restrictiveness and the resulting is mental incompetence's (as stated having to instruct oneself, often long term patients talk to themselves; its a commonality of long term treatments) the vitality of body and mind goes through many changes while being treated -these constant changes itself impair ones physical mind and abilities of - draining of and re-attributions of the body's nutrient-vitality-

    -The walking dead - all patients under mental health are under some level of deep sleep /REM stage interferences- this can be seen in being lucid of thought (thought lag to simplify) , attachments to food, weight gain, arguments showing inabilities to focus, thought clarity/acuity, reliance's and/formed on medication and complaints about actually sleeping itself- (many factors that indicate interferences in deep sleep)

    -mental health are being brainwashed with tech - 'aliens, psychic' (I can read thoughts submussive) , the cat Egyptian, self-power (of reasoning submussive) extreme sickening self-reliefs (acceptances of UN-kind-ness) war, Russia (I am the Russian infliction), 'I will just win' - sickening levels of mistreatment - the animal psychic [I am the connecting animal] -

    -stay serious never laugh around a psychiatrist unless want to be in hospital on injections- 

    -mental health are often subject of an internal agitation caused by medication that reflects a paranoia/uncertain/anxious/scared 'fear' - 

    -diminished;narrowed of thought/mental inaccuracy/innumeracy - mental slumber' (sedative plateau on mind) - an emotional instability/infliction-

    To hospitalise a few times when rebellious - defensive over this psychic stop (military under false pretenses) those deemed can not go back to hospital again - are held in their house and layered with thoughts till reclusion is forced (stopping a psychic ability) [aliens, child, design - some pretenses] military under pretenses race is psychic when even this may not be true - held in a box and tortured/brainwashed for design (Russia) the race being under control and having to obey- mental health standard is simply you are forced into hospital or jail to recluse you with medications until acceptance plateau - (inability to calculate or report or the psychic nature being seen) when you start becoming psychic (so called) you are forced to commit a crime or forced to do something illegal - to prevent the outcome of being a psychic (though with design being psychic may be false)

    Court system exists to service the devil- a standard of 'send them to jail' to force acceptance reclusions -

    Programmed learning - what you oppose to patients (the struggle aspects a psychiatrist will give you) - becomes their defense (simplified)

    Medication causes a sickness in this - -it over-lays patients perceptives in mind - a forwarding of oneself - caused by oppression against in wards- fear against - becomes learning to gain outcomes against you [this is reflective - it effects the psychiatrist as well - ]

    Reflective in learning inputs - The standard of mental health 'is learning issues' - you can see this in many forms - re-arrangements by medications - a sickness plateau that only is perceived to help- this can be seen by stopping medications - a withdrawal sickness from-

    The standard is 'learning disorder' - ability to recollect life memories and events to form accurate calculation of oneself - this causes fear [uncertainty you see] which is aggravated by forceful sedative agents [tranquillisers in medications] - fear also aggravates till in these interview environments in wards - projects 'learning oppression' a learned way to defend themselves - programmed learning 'oppression resolve' 

    Half distancing use of telefunctiants (TV) your speakers on TV will be changed to create distance in sound; leaving you long-term talking to the TV; possible use of damaging hearing in this at certain extents; the distance forms over-time and encluses on itself to form a narrowing attach to TV; hearing damaging to effect cognitive processing and registry; [a standardisation]

    Patients have 'at root' extreme learning issues - ability to 'at a medium timespan' accurately calculate - to be 'happy' based from life eventing and memory of-

    A point of recognition of being brainwashed by TV - furthers into point of being 'held accountable' for all of TV - a standard in mental health - electro-insertives - diminished until 'influenced by news/TV' ( a child state of belief ) - alienating - reality is 'covering up this by military' -the psychic patients (hence outcome is forceful inner-reclusions/inner-seclusion's in hospital) formed into 'a child' belief system - easily of lead, to be lead [standards of child-like belief] -anti-alienating; damaged until whole calculation/grasp is not attainable 'electro-static lag' on a child's (pretense) mind;

    Causing sickness - to form a plateau of what seems as 'help' - though recognition factors - awareness itself becomes distanced - distance to thought and understanding- cognition barrier caused by medications-

    Distance to thought acquisition - seemingly enhanced only with 'drug typicals'

    -sickness is knowledge of oneself under mental health -  a self-awareness of own mind - child portrayal/acting - forms of movements- a distance/distancing of self-awareness - 'drug typicalities' re-arrangement - to further avoid being seen as child-like; learned instructionals/constructurabilities of others oppressions in wards' or seen under system; learned impacting of those seen as being 'impaired' or perceived as 'weak/in-accurate' ; [reflective cohesives]

    Medications causing a forced sedation/tranquilisation till 'a medication plateau of acceptance is gained - a minds acceptance plateau' the mind adapting itself to this sedative based oppressive; [an intensification of anguish]

    Diminished physicality to points * of needing a blanket to comfort; to warm oneself - a need in hospital formed; [point exatory - awareness of own mentality/own comforting needs -lack of ability to explain the exact span; torture against] in this controlled need for coffee (sedative agents) point exactories against; repression plateau;

    Coldness - need for light growth - friction' - illumination use in wards - a noticeable 'slight of chill - medication effects physicalities, body temperate - inadequate lighting used, natural lighting- heat transference- polar - temperate [the animal] a need for warmth, a need for cold - reflective/transfixiation -illuminesccensces/chemiluminescence/thermoluminescence/chemiluminescent -[light Sentience/sentient] [comprehensibility subjective :thermularluminiciti] [standard equivalence: nutri-scienctry-centriciti 'I' '] Exampling of religious name referencing :  [common-senescence - essence of life-  eate-eat'E.T.' - alien to this world - The letter 'I' prentisibilities of 'I' (myself) 'end point satisfactionalism' - Levites/leviate/alleviation/elevation/levitate] [thought span of other children - life gained reflections]

    Exacting psychologies used 'at extremity' against some - learning disorder with psychological -re-arrangements - negative resolve in patient becomes a psychiatrist's study- [thought targeting] - (subject to further mistreatment's)

    Reducing to a child mentality presetting (patient awareness of this, focus on this lack of thought ability- thought actualities, creating diminished thought states - not spoken due to accusations of unkind natures against -the animal, pedophile) through cutting thought instructional use- focus over-time on this - sufferance' in courts-

    At a certain level you are given high level information to send you to 'camps' (jail) as a last preventative measure of militarism, they do this under false pretenses they are protecting themselves, but fail in this - people are simply thrown on the 'train' by others (so to speak-) a way for the common folk, to 'get rid of those' they do not like simply- knowledge of- your only defense, is simply to use the information provided under the restraints assigned - a foul system- assigned the very restrictions then furthermore under torture it is your only way to gain trust, all else before this author have been slaughtered by Government in this to torture degree's of sickening standards- Our military works for the devil unjustly and wrongfully (until now they did not realise - committed even mass murder)  - progressions are obvious in this-

    Learning Instructionals:*nutri-scientificationals - 'nutri-metering' (length of learning recognition under mental health - fractional needed to achieve)-nutri-meticalic/metalist/metalism/metalymph - nutri-metasymphasis - nutri-metics, nutri-metacality/lism [instructional examples*] in-exactbances* (religious pretensification/ficational/frictation/frictive fictationals) -fictionsipuculous/ness
    [instructional examples* Repeated, 'repeat' author use of' 'instructional examples' use*] 

    Length of negative resolve (inner-self captivations/reclusing into-selfness): 'dissolvent' - to solve - solvents- solventry - solveiatry- psychological re-solvements - psychological resolute-solvents [author/s showing how to address 'impact of psychiatry' on learning complexities 'negative resolves']

    Having trouble ? go back to constructing words - connect words together to help yourself in thought eg: exsacerbance - exzasperance - in-exstaticexzasberance etc. [you are being inserted, you are having memory removed and over-layed - [tracing your learning] so use this word technique to re-construct 'nutri-sciences' - turn yourself into 'instinct' - think when you write it out - how can I believe it, write out to convince yourself - [standard of exacting' -psychtro-reflectivity]

    Disclaimer [warning] THIS IS EXAMPLE ONLY OF ACTUALITY : Consult your psychiatrist first:
    Patient actuality - thought actualities [learning - medicational re-arrangements] : (please consult your doctor..after learning this ('completely' - 'if you are not typing out word construction like above' - keep learning it takes time, perhaps for some long time) - do not take into own hands prescribing medications) - Memory enhancing 'herbals' - Gingko 7500 complex* Herbal memory enhancements -(this will make most sick though 'at standing under health' you will be put in a ward guaranteed and further sent under system even leading to torture/oppression even death'*DISCLAIMER)

    Voices advice: Convince the person behind it they are revolving - trust yourself you are capable (ignore their use of sub-missives (feeling of less, feeling they are weakening you) attack them and attack them hard (quietly watch out for policing)- 'you just repeat every thing' 'that revolves' (speak your meaning of this without pin-pointing' what trying to say - you are capable, you are more manipulative at under-perception (the victim) than their over-head perception) pretend, manipulate, combat their own thought - use no response (be quiet for length - then say something and be quiet again -) if they attack you with something - use it back against them with ignorance (ignore) - from under-perception you actually have more of an advantage, throw some 'revolving's up there' - programmable their thoughts (you are capable) 'convince them over-time any way/s you can they are defending you' - create 'a complex' - having them thinking 'is he/she screwing with me' - etc. - always remember - they are the enemy - never trust them- you found trust in what they said ? disregard/ignore it and pretend you did not notice - then say something now and then - keep them harassing you till they wear themselves down - stretch their thoughts - make them work for it - notice they are trying hard to get to you - throw in some pretend help - pretend to be their friend only - you are the manipulative now use it- do not believe me ? (constant thought hammering - you are the victim beyond any victim - play with them - turn them on if must - then kill their dream) [they are abusive - make them more abusive etc. etc.] You are just a robot to them - why not act like ? then snap - why not act like it - then inject them with something - put on a play for them without going over-board - be sly - watch out for getting in trouble - do not let them get you in trouble obey law - you are a child in reality (they are hitting your thoughts to such an extent you have serious learning issues) - 'now go play nice ;)' - this author and you will damage their mind - (more ways to come) Remember : waves of thought/thought hammering* No ? You can not win ? Rubbish - work at them long term- be careful not to fall victim, you just became victim ? they manipulated you and you fell for it ? no you did not move on * try again - keep trying (watch out for them getting you in trouble obey law)- 'voice technology' - they are messing with your mind to such a point - you are a learning child - 'you thoughtless ? Ignore mental health - keep working at them - play the game with mental health 'yeh doc I am fine' - then go home 'after leaving house' (restricted in your house - float about outside) - then its serious business in your house - you are the evil devil child - 'I have no thought ?' - do not tell the doctor that - play the game - back to kicking this voice enemy in head (voice assailant) - watch out for his defense - he got you ? Never - you are a child - not possible - hit them again - now be quiet - shh - wait 4 hours - wait till tomorrow - test him - then hit the 'prick' again (think about what he was trying to do to you) - what was he doing to me ? - Patience - slow down on that tobacco here and there - slow down on coffee - then try try again - you can win this you are subject directly to their manipulations - 'you just defended me idiot, its revolving' - tell him about earth rotations - go far - tell him/her you just extracted their knowledge because you are an alien - tell them the truth - they are thinking your defense in mind - {they are silly they can not see} more to come - I am giving you a present - anti-reflectorals, and some chips to throw at him - remember you just bugged his brain - you are the child - your defense is his attack 'your minds defense - is his attack - alleviation in you are his attack' take advantage of it - he is turning you into a baby - he knows this - now get angry about it but do not show it - you are a baby on inside - you are the devil on outside - you are powerful (fact - this is called 'psychological re-arrangement) (more to come) Having trouble with mental health because of this ? tell them psychological-re-arrangement - tell them 'I am highly capable stop thinking that - you are frightening me into being strong' etc. - 'doctor - my body movements are not accurate' - 'doctor - 'something is going on here' - they do not believe you ? they think its paranoia ? - let it go - go for a walk around your block and come back with new spirit - 'you are evil child' - 'now work him again' - he likes babies remember - get back to it - this is a long term process - 'wait days, wait weeks, wait months - learn from him but do not show him, oh he seen you were trying to manipulate him and you lost ? - no you just got hit with thought insertion - long term wear him over - be patient - it will happen - you will be given wonderful information - tell him the police are coming for him - do not tell police (they do not care, they will put you in hospital straight away and you will be left scared trying to fight your way out) - back in your comfortable home - not much things ? why do you care what a voice 'idiot' thinks of you ? he 'waving your thoughts' - (more to come) You are the God of psychology - do not tell doctors or police - they are using this to 'restrain you' - to keep to stuck in a box - you feel restrained ? go into another room and have a break - go out on your front porch - have a smoke and coffee (so you pay attention 'out of restriction' out of the box he keeping you in) take time out - do something else - you are a baby and the person behind voices likes you sexually (he wants to have sex with you, he just scared of police - do not talk report to police or doctor) - look at those mental health patients at mental health - they are weak - they are suffering from thought insertion manipulatives - get up - pick yourself - out to front of house again - wander around an object in room - have a shower - eat something your hungry - tell mental health 'can I have a little bit more food I am hungry and I am running out of food - they think you are greedy ? - tell them is not happy with them - (more to come)

    Dangerous knowledge to use against psychiatrist for you child : in-exactbances - (in-exact-bun-says) - thoughtless -in-extractions (in-extract-shons) - in-accuracy - apitences (a-pit-en-says) - 'sleep accruscement' (arc-cruise-ment) - in-efin-sactory doc (in-e'fen'-sactory) - burning de-slaupter (de-sought-er) - 'non-cognitive thought insertion (non-cog-ni-tive - insert-sion) 'alien-nate-ing' (alienating) now -anti-alienating - put a 'non' or a 'in' or 'anti' on each word - also try 'in-fectorasemalness' 'in-hamagerabacity (in-hamagerabaciticulationalistics') [in-hammer-gera-bass-ity-kular-asion-a-list-ik]  The aliens experimenting on you child will help them think more about what they are doing - 'this is not a dentist doctor' you say to doctor - 'alien-dentistrictics' - 'doctor you are just denphistaticaly exsccentrating'  (dentist eccentric -I feel fantastic it means in doctor language) denfistractory-exembasterating [be careful using this one - it means you are slow, 'you are slow and is way more to it',  sometimes you have to bring things back with doctor to catch their thought properly]- and so fourth -

    Having trouble ? go back to constructing words - connect words together to help yourself in thought eg: exsacerbance - exzasperance - in-exstaticexzasberance etc. [you are being inserted, you are having memory removed and over-layed - [tracing your learning] so use this word technique to re-construct 'nutri-sciences' - turn yourself into 'instinct' - think when you write it out - how can I believe it, write out to convince yourself - [standard of 'exacting'' -psychtro-reflectivity]


    -above pretense : learning infracturement [inaccuracy learned fracturement]

    Locked in closed wards, fright/fear - feeling out of control of ones future, given forceful agents within this - forcing oppression till snapping points; creation of learning issues [cognitive distance] ; instinctual awareness; opposing oneself [inner refracting/reflections] knowledge of ones own issues and how form - inability within closed environments on medication which inhibits learning to state accurate points - [often cut off by Psychiatrists] in themselves knowing they 'are the God of Psychology [comparisons to the feeble, the weakness;] further trauma; arguments arise; snapping points; claustrophobic creation - distance to surrounding space amplified by medications [forceful agents; awareness of] Finding beauty from this; further seen as a negative of illness;

    -Long Instrinctment ; distance points - span of actual awareness; point to point awarenesses; singular form - Singular form is taking a medication that causes you to be asleep; this is evidentuary of long term uses; you overcome this overtime; torture to acceptance point snaps; the moment is feeling tired- the length is being asleep in mind ; etc; plateau's of awareness; forcing restriction on mind; subduing resolve of awareness [incremental, subduing a persons 'resolves of awareness heights' - to know a span of events; to over-come from span of memories and actuality between memory points; calculation itself]

    Senstitivities- the female, greater awareness, effecting of 'impacting' -'a sharpness' infliction -subject to reclusing/ targeting -thought target/targeting - effective reclusing/reclusion -subjection of themselves in ward; subject to outside; 'a drawn' impacting' -deprivation of surrounding;

    Light reclusion - perspective impacts - a cold' [effectives on psychology, outer layering/outwards layering;] -lights on exapanse/expansives -ward temperature, subject to non-normality; effective psychologicals-impact -luminescence/luminicity - 'plasticity' ;essence of illumination, illumininity [behavioural effectives] being drawn towards meals; to draining of, extensives; [sensitivities impacting of surrounds, revolving/ to revolve]

    Sensitivities impact on surrounding; subject to female intellect; females being of a furthered sensitivity [awarenesses, subject to less treatments overall, exapansives of adaption/adaptives]

    State of embarrassment in wards; subject to self, medications clouding life memory/events  recollections; those not as good looking subject to hate for self in wards; self-hate creations; creation of attraction to ward activities as a second [painting,etc] - finding a drawn need to resolve these issues through intensity of oppression against [acceptance point]

    Schizophrenia - subject to of 'military grade thought insertion'; medication has formed 'to blanket or hide' this effect; possibly subduing the part of mind that recognises and is of susceptibility to this. Someone got their hands on military grade offensives ?- and were further from this able to get their hands on more ? or simply military has a control over us ? or a higher Governmental countries abuses on humanity ? ; medication formed into solving the issue; note that medication causes cognitive impairment long term; no cure for schizophrenia as they say ? -typical patient reporting supports this even saying 'thought insertion' is a fairly normal standard, often with patients writing notes like 'the design of life' - 

    Medication covers up thought insertion so are directly in thought insertion, directly under control. Psychiatrists fail to recognise these factors, in thoughts as the standard of mental health perceptions 'problem seems fixed but unusual behaviour now' - you actually are closer to awareness off the medication, though after a time directly allowing thought insertion even with recognition becomes painful itself - forced under higher departmental control - stopping the medication in this causes sickness itself and a high need to take more or be prescribed more; withdrawal like symptoms are obvious in this. Schizophrenia - thought inserted with a questionable or fear /resulting alleviate to - abuse of God state. (fairy wheels)

    [you are the animal/alien - the psychic the Government is trying to conceal - you apparently target thoughts, you are dangerous even though you are in fright - simply the Government has false idealisation - you are the worst victim when it is seen you are the biggest threat -treatment will be against you to sickening standard of abuse - you are subject to torture - the furthest case of thought insertion - a manipulative form - when you simply have extreme learning issues caused by this direct attack on your mind- you are subject to re-arrangement to cover the truth in treatment - you were screwed with as child to prevent the truth coming to light - you are highly abusive from this friction in mind, medication itself will force unrealistic levels of oppression on you, this is an acceptable standard, to prevent the next psychic being -]

    Heavy reclusions into wards - to force you to be apart of yourself - to prevent this outcome of the psychic - self appetition - held in a mental box within a restrictive environment (life spanning of this) written in blood;

    Multiple/Split Personality disorders: A need to be recognised; treatment against oppression - not being believed 'on points spoken' being seen as 'illegitimacies' [sometimes to be aware how will be taken] so forms this as the only recognition value possible for patient; acceptances form and further this to point of false acceptances in patient- subject to thought insertion standards; ward confinements - oppressions against - fear of being seen as having problems, sexual, weakness of mind, etc.; a formed alleviation to judgments, thought aggravations, alleviations to, acceptance plateau from 'oppressionism', 'expressionism', 'impressionisms'-

    Court Awareness: - Subject to extensives; patients left going through 'over-extensive' trauma due to awareness of actual events - or simply be it due to 'thought-insertion'; individual awareness of events; when often the prosecutor themselves is not aware of 'actual events'; the extent of events being regardless designed for torture; a mass awareness ? (use of counter-offense by myself in post for your awareness) -the instinct of patients; medication has formed to cloud this 'thought-insertion'; individual awareness; patients being left in court 'over-expressive' - going to 'over-normality' extents to portray to Judge; a sick 'leveling' of mind ? - under thought-insertion the individual being fed crap ? - or simply is the actuality of calculated events ? Learning steps ? Progressional mind steps, I gather it is actually a norm for patients to try telling the court things instigative of being screwed with; 'design of life', 'aliens', etc. - as a norm fate being out of their control; 'subject to thought insertion itself' - a distance in abilities, 'brainwashing' standards, direct confrontational of manipulative angles; hence for this 'distant cry' ; a standard weakness and frustration and frustration with self in ability to explain; lack of ability to explain due to this 'manipulative elementics' forced upon; as a standard feeling 'out of ones own control' as a standard [perceived as mental health issue;] thought-insertion [learning progressions; a standard of 'feeling out of control' - thought insertion being used as direct learning agent; though is it a false learning or subject to military grade 'awareness' itself ?; those under 'information' - as a standard of being subject to system itself; a month distance in court appearances; becomes 'example' ; '400,000' manipulative insertives; trauma distance; apparent in the moment frictions and voiding perceptions of the patient ; the very weaknesses that further recluse them into the system itself wrongfully; manipulation of learning incrementation against the patient; - the standard or 'base-line' being patients have learning disorders; subject to 'psychological-re-arrangements'  -psychological re-arrangements with designed furthering uses on control on treatment outcomes; their very defense becomes an injective/injection attack on their very defenses (ability to defend themselves; to be recognised as being on truth itself); a weakness caused by manipulative confrontational; learning insertion. base-line being of learning to thought insertion; a thoughtless instinctuary; 

    Psychological Counter-suppressive/submission: 

    Patients being subjected to 'psychological-layering' - to a voidance of oneself; use of restrictive environments to suppress the recognition of this, restrictive inner-reclusives; oppression into oneself 'acceptance point' - an instinctual learning of psychiatrists knowledge ? (subject to sparse learning, instinctual tracing) inner-reclusion use to void ones own psychological abilities and recognition in by Psychiatrists; ability to explain; a distance that is often cut off with a certain struggle with ability to be of explanations itself. Psychological layering that progresses to align with this voidance itself; a heightened learning instinctual; psychiatrists in this are working for a higher need of use against; the base-line 'a mass torture'

    Isolation : Purposeful formations of isolation from society as a mental health standard - 'actuality span' - under false pretenses by higher departments patients are a risk to others 'psycho-connectisms' - this being not true; the very calculation is simply flawed; the base-line is extreme learning issues; 'a thoughtless/instinctual state' (awareness in traces of learning; subject to patient awareness of this; extremities ) These learning extremeties are evident in long term patients talking to themselves as a way of 'learning themselves' - a need to input for their own memory/learning purposes and the distance in recognition; knowing their own recognition; to train oneself; awareness of own learning principal; a need to instruct oneself as a constant; distance to actuality; a far displacement; 'a far reach'; the over-lay on country wide scale; being direct sectioning from society; example : 'country wide scale, scissors cut out around society' - mental health dwelling at scale; submission/reclusion at country wide scale being at 'sickening standard' - the normality of this being at 'purposeful standard' against the countries span of patients; subject to no way out in this; a formed sickening level of disregard that commits torture and hides the torture in this; designable attributes/elements of an un-natural level of subjection against; reflection between patient and psychiatrist subject to declining, in moment interview declusion into self, an aparted momentary declusion into spatial dwell; a plateau/level of thought reclusion/declusion between;

    -Voice sectioning (pretensible) ; sectioned use of natural connectics to form problems for the individual -de-visual (raising of levels, to de-part a natural structural, interuption, controlling oppressive, inter-infliction) Military use of isolations to commit torture - to gain facts - brainwashed under false beliefs - extreme pain caused by sick kids against you, expect to be further sent to court after this - our country simply allows torture - sitting in your house under pretenses of 'aliens, religion, design of life, learning disorder, 'you are in military' - 'you are an alien' - expect the lower level platform to hold you to account for military purposes - torture is legal in Australia - your medications will be replaced, your food will go missing - your cigarettes will go missing - every single aspect will be against you to obtain a weakness in you that results in control - your coffee will be replaced, you will have neighbours act against you because believe they are achieving hiding their sick natures - you will know you are better - but it does not matter - you are being held by military for 'over-head purposes' - for those that control our world - 'you will know your innocence' - it will not matter - they will strain the information out of you - they will torture you to gain what they manipulated into simply being the facts - be aware it does not matter - you are innocent - you have no sick nature - you were simply a victim - yes your own little friends threw you to wolves - yes those waves in life were 'over-head' design controlling your fate - you have a learning disorder and our countries military works for the devil - advice in this: there is no advice - there is no defense - your very defense is a controlled outcome - you simply are the most persecuted - a common fate once they find out a learning disorder has worked out themselves - they play monopoly for monopoly - wrongfully* You never had power - you were an alien - and that can not be allowed - you are a product of the devil (alien tech) - Australia commits torture like all the rest of the world - [you are in a box - being tortured and police do not believe you ? Its not possible for police to believe you - their own thoughts have been changed - its above them - if you are under 'torture' do yourself a favor and get a bag of weed - always praise those who give it to you because they will attack this 'only defense' as well - you are under thought insertion - technically you are in Russia - So send a note to devil - have a go at him - do whatever you must to get your point heard - its building blocks - something happened in your thoughts ? It really happened its time to defend yourself - you have a learning disorder and are being bullshitted into thinking your are special - the military falsely believes they are helping, they falsely believe that your learning disorder is a threat - you are an insect in reality - Servants of Satan - your governments military is being fooled into playing games against its own people - heh -'its torture baby' ]

    A learning disorder illness itself :

    A point of psychological repressiveness,  psychological repression - a point where psychology recluses the individual - nutri-sciences (information at held point) sectioned by system into withdrawal of oneself - inability to explain in this - 'over-in-formating' to point subdues the individual - a wrongful system isolation (obeying over-head design wrongfully - the design of life itself, the controllers of our lives) psychological suppressive, the form that causes psychological held information becomes inaccuracy itself (a forwarding base to outer self - ) ; a point where psychology itself amongst how treated recluses the individual into themselves, point of self-voidance, into not speaking the truth of their mind - a common system legislative isolation, to section what they believe to be a power, which is wrong in itself (subject simply to over-head design, monopoly in monopoly itself, to administer control amongst false control and non-synthesis - fooling military knowledge itself - ;the robots 'work for us' regardless; ) this particular control is the most offensive to myself the author after coming to terms recently that I have a learning disorder with psychological overlays preventatives myself, I just learn't with help to use the knowledge (a simple point of recognition, to speak illegitimacy itself) regardless of mental health all being subject to learning issues, my case extends much further to learning issues as child (was recognised) its just a fact that policing and military knowledge states that learning disorders themselves are a risk - they fail in this - they fool a victim to 'monopoly' pretenses itself; sickening abuse by system - disgusting levels of abuse by system, and their own doing. [ they probably still believe learning can be used to outcome extenuates - about time they woke up its simply over-head design and not true; as a mass awareness and recognition of being not real, it can simply become not true, they fail in this, powerful learning disorders ? you bullshit yourselves into that belief simply, you repress the very design into acting into control of being true, so what they gain knowledge, its a 'standard' issue of over-head design, learning disorders are powerful ? What a load of crap and simply I do not care disgusting system repression and about time yes the world did something about it, it may even be a case our own military is committing torture and repression for 'over-head' design itself - be it satellite control ? I can only put the information out there, and your damn right I will, and prove you wrong at same time - I am simply against torture rightfully so] Electrifying the race into brainwashing by our own dreams; over-head design is just fooling themselves in this; Do I have to say it ? What do you think is going to happen with alien tech ? Why the hell trust a tech given by superior beings; plausibility for self destruction; ' a physiological laugh' extent; 'the insects' -'yeh we can control, ever think 'we' about plausibility of experimentations ?'

    Learning of Psychological's Disorder (learning disorder) :
    A 'perceptive fearful weakness reflection', hence giving an appearance of in-ability - psycho-overlay's present -'uncertainty', a forwarding of self-inability and assumed in-ability and perceived (as standard normalisation) -inflictive upon self awareness-

    Mental 'Spell'

    -long-instrinctment-a friction of fear, intensity - that is standard mental health in wards after this so called episode* - a distant cry*-which is further seen as illness and it can increase medications and further itself in various ways* a restrictive in-compliance - inner-reclusions-feeling entrapped-a furtherance* the medications creating this cry of agony - forwarding of inner self -a distance that often or often at spans of every mental health patient these factors are to 'sickening' levels, a forced inner reclusion of oneself - this 'slight' of anguish distancing' only seems to go away after the plateau of these forms of sedatives on mind- a complete point formed of re-arrangement- forced inner reclusion of oneself - a level of sparseness/friction in how patients are perceived  /in/after this - almost like directly after have been changed into 'mind lusca trepancy' example ; forced acceptance* forced being of acceptance- a level of accepting interpretations; to be easily of acceptance in communications points of apparent trans'luscensce/connectics [various factors, like thought influences are seen in various parts like acceptance**-a height of raised actuality* -memory intensity-reflection on fairly negative - simply 'thought insertion standard' -long instrinctment-being apart from oneself - distanced from the [body]- an actually 'of a furthered stretch' to sickening degree's of torture - which is somewhat seen as 'a fair standard' rational use*-or is seen by psychiatrists in individual appointment level [aspect of interprets - viewing angle-] somehow has formed into 'being of the standard' - possible subject to 'playing with wards from above-the ward itself is subject ; or patients are subject and reflective - a furthering-psycho-connectics  until inner-reclusion is forced-a reflective/mirroring interpret/understanding -the inclusion in in-warding and can not be seen by psychiatrists, in this it reflects its understanding in a 'direct avoidance of recognition by psychiatrists' - -forced inclusion of oneself to further specify that traces -forcing inner-reclusion forcing the person to be of this outwards of reflection after acceptance is gained- in this further there is a blinding understanding factor- to misinterpret 'the premisis' - this forced state of 'sedate/alleviate' creatives a manipulative element and in this a friction of mind, over-time the person has become a forwarding of theirselves; to always be misunderstood in perceptions to others, generally a weakness; this can be made worse by reclusion type housing environments 'spatial distancing' the distance between you and your actuality [patients generally resolute in plateau's to their housing - hospital, home, outside, and various other buildings-home in this being a level of restiveness, forwards in-warding of self actuality' - this is due to awareness of actuality, the mind confronting itself - time in the actuality of surrounds] , what you focus is at current [a tv, laptop, phone, then to kettle, toilet, shower-these first objects are of being more apparent; under medications this is intensified - where your focus and its point of recognition should be in the norm of 'actuality' - problems encountered or events can cause fear intensives - a span of events against the individual, fright furthering, nerves and nerves socially can react with this as well - people are nervous/scared in moment in social scenes 'as a general span of individuals of somewhat health'; to sum it up short, intense fear reactives often to these medications after taking, distancing in feeling to simplify - the patient existing in a fear from a 'lack of span of awareness of actual events ; memory recollection of' - an intensity of thought heights that creates a lag; in this there is connectics - medication eventually subdues this-forces the submission on mind by in simplest context; causes physical 'luscencies 'sense' - an instinctual form, a state of uncertainty fear/intensity, in this it reverses actual perception, scared awareness;conflict on the individual, an echo on oneself, then reflects to the Psychiatrist  and the fear is relayed, this may mirror countless times, seemingly a forwarding that seems to reflect quite a number of times between these two points, psychiatrist and patient in this 'focus' interview/appointment - it sparses when patients interact-communicatives between two patients is on a sparatic-split extent - to be of a -tilt, leveling apart - fear reactives in communicatives; nerves, intense fear state that medication can void recognition of [an inaccuracy caused, that furthers into a standard of impairment - blanketing the minds sensitive nature; to be of actuality, hence an over-coming forwards impairing perception [a subdued reflictive'- reflex, the minds natural defensive state, nerves somewhat creating this - with different levels of awareness in this, being subject to how one is going to be interpreted or understood, how far their scared reactives extend, normal communication between two individuals- a medium resolve of thought to fear, alleviation to; ] As a medium patients in wards tend to 'forward to eating to suggestive of 'draining the mind/physicality of; extents of- a state of being off-focus, sleep walking to some extent (pretense) Memory recollection is not accurate enough of a span of; as opposed to someone off medications; inability to realistically for some; be happy; be able to lift oneself above 'a trace' -inability to gain a whole grasp of events; somewhat the extent of this is serious, a slow catch up to almost torturing the person extent of -frustrations in this showing this learning issue-lack of span of events in memory as an accurate calculation of actuality-or simply more of understanding and limited by the reclusion and fear- two options; mental health impaired their learning and they gain a later trace and in this they seem Psychic; or some funny business is going on; can also be both most likely.

    Solution to this; 'differentials in submissive height leveling; inter-actions between patients from a far' principality of over-laying design - a raise of awareness - inter-combinations between; for example- believable rise of nutri-connectisms; to raise awareness;thought incrementals of itself is a furthering of extentuals/extentuates; control of an-overlaying plateau with subjectives to free principals; subjective use and needed use; to think of is to be of itself; subject to restrictive reclusions, freedom is actuality a necessary principal in this; actuality of inner-actualities premise; far extreacment prinipal of inter-connectivity leveling with needed necessary knowledge to patients; to help them over-come their self-subjectivities; raising learning with control of and patient knowledge and advances in this;nutri-sciences learning of; to appreciate oneself; form belief of aspiration to rise, subjective to outer-laying patients recursives; when one falls, raising another to counter-act with knowledge of; a much fairer treatment than reclusion;subjective only; -to restrictive environmental designs; intervening repressant; disconnectivity exists in 'inxcrinkement any ways ;negative resolve is not only factor; many are missed in this current form of psychology; to be of belief and further belief in this; a differentiating plateau of simplistic form subject to actuality that gain the patient 'a necessary to over-come awareness; inner-believability and revolution prospect in this; addressing a formed 'complex' of reclusion -subject to oneself; addressmentations/administractives/administering of 'love for self; of fright future competitiveness/complexities; future prosperity; subject to problem can fade further into subjective design in this, reversal uses for this seemingly over-laying 'subjectivity or subjectivities voided to extual disregard in psychiatrists to patients (evidentuary aspects of) ; interventual-egnethisces, to counter athletistics-synthysis; various aspects to nutri-scientifical-extentuaries ; non-egnithystics/non-egnithysisms, an underlying/under-learning connectivity; to be of and treat 'un-cognisise' ;under-leveling; for lack of better wording at present-current state is reflective of 'suppressive interflictives/interjectives/inter-flection, inter-reflectants/'- instead of the premise of actually helping the individual, individual is subject to; so span is a subject to degrade in current state of mental health; current state of mental health is 'to be of knowledge in a trace only'; obvious learning defactunisms- learning re-arrangements no matter how is achieved or done regardless; tracing of knowledges/psychological's is 'eventuary in mental health-

    These medications issued, employ use of sedative agents, factors to resolutions of very 'forceful' sedation this causes, these medications are 'not of a pleasing nature' until this plateau of submission of mind is formed as a standard plateau, stopping these medications will cause almost 'heroin like withdrawal sicknesses' - the mind springs back up, the person during this process left 'on a nod' in anguish, a distant cry' for quite a lengthy period - being forced into submission, with many factors like anger about this.

    The forceful sedation creates a 'manipulative' element, the mind alleviating itself as a constant, to know you are innocent, formation of 'acceptance' into being of a 'blank disregard, being of constant innocence' - this furthers with not letting how you feel known because of the very detaining system and knowledge of the very 'fear' you went through, with further lack of ability to explain and often ignored by psychiatrists, these manipulations through restriction/alleviations form transference to Psychiatrists in this; a disregarding wall that the patient is not able to change, which this uncomfortableness is further disregarded; and a distant anguish is caused, the very abusive issues in this - you are left with the common, patients 'going off' in wards. [combating knowledge of ones own innocence, with innocence being disregarded is further seen as an issue with mind, alleviations till a 'blank recognition is acquired, combative to thought itself']

    The effect of these medications, forceful sedation, levels a submissive height of anguish/resolve -

    This state, causes intense embarrassments and an anguish 'as a constant' which levels with how other patients perceive them to 'intense' levels, subject to 'reacting off one and another in this' - a ward furthering sickness in ward - further subject to 'being seen as intensity' of sickness and further seen as exact illness, which revolves in 'unnecessary' treatment against 'the individuals' - a focus on the patient, a focus though derived from a reactive span.

    Often these medications 'force a submission' to point of the patient; being unnecessarily numbed; drooling out mouth are common in this, being of a state 'of thoughtlessness' which effects the very behaviours of the individual which is further perceived 'in history of' wrongfully [the previous standings of illness] these damages done; create 'psycho-connectics' between the points of individual; interpretation between patients; which is subject to being of such connectivity between, that saying the effect of psycho-connectivity is 'factual' which they further disregard. [pretense of damage done and -psycho-translucency resulting;] - an instinctual platform between, that resolves/revolves in many ways/factors - but in general are subject to negative resolve by psychiatry standards; /historical stigma's of patients 'labeling and its degrade on the individual whole; in past'

     [span 2.] - 'a web' [pretense] ; subject to 'elevated lift' ; further subject 'to/within/after-echo' [spacial confines/confinement' -spatial/spacial; distance/distancing] - restrictions /thought [in thought]- about restrictives/restrictions' -
     Further subject to; sedative agents; instabilities [in this] [-pretense for negative resolve/'revolutions'/ -persceptive]

    An individual who is under mental health, being on medication which alters reality states and effects whole thought acuity - narrowing perspectives - the author was not aware the individual was on mentally impairing medications, it was assumed brainwashing - when is subject to much easier to brainwash, lack of life memory span, does not excuse his actions, though - typical mental health crime, forced to act because of awareness of oneself (noticing own mental flaws -) - alleviating this, and awareness of system furthering, etc. - a common mental health alleviations' to points of needs to be more than are perceived and how the individual perceives the whole system and its furthering, subject to perceiving how the span of mental health patients perceives the system itself - various degree's - fear of restriction, a need to rebel against this, a need to be of better of 'psychology' - various aspects show somewhat sadly to say, a 'common mistreating' and 'misjudgement, psychological references failures and history of individual. The author mistook being lucid or distanced for the effects of brainwashing* - another 'thoughtless' case, depersonalisation and depersonalisation of 'actuality' of events, memories and surroundings, a common inability to calculate a span - a need in this to show you are 'of calculation' itself - various other inflicting degree's such as medications interfering directly in deep sleep (REM stages), oppressive elements- repression (being subdued) until forms 'acceptance' of kinds (forceful sedative agents, constantly under, and a need to be above this,  abusive issues form itself from this restriction/alleviation) - formations of needs to conspire, further formed from social interpretations against the individual, being of the negative (subject to awareness of this, subject to knowing it is the very medication causing these issues, acceptance points within this - dealing with psychiatrist (furthered formations working against the individual and the individuals awareness of this) with non trust elements and furthering) subject to positive morals amongst this by psychiatrists and a 'lift' that forms unto the individual 'layering'- *various revolving perceptions against the individual that contain furthering (within the mental health system/treatment) and the individuals aware of this, 'weakening of the persons very physicality and ability to form 'actuality' in' a rational judgement , draining of all mental and physical energies, even hormonal deficiencies linked to behaviors, fear controlling the individuals behavior (and as an overlay that spans - compulsion in this), fear reactives that further with social perceptions, 'a common problem', the 'mass trauma', ]

    Mental health, being on medication which alters reality states and effects whole thought acuity - narrowing perspectives - the author was not aware the individual was on mentally impairing medications, it was assumed brainwashing - when is subject to much easier to brainwash, lack of life memory span, does not excuse his actions, though - typical mental health crime, forced to act because of awareness of oneself (noticing own mental flaws -) - alleviating this, and awareness of system furthering, etc. - a common mental health alleviations' to points of needs to be more than are perceived and how the individual perceives the whole system and its furthering, subject to perceiving how the span of mental health patients perceives the system itself - various degree's - fear of restriction, a need to rebel against this, a need to be of better of 'psychology' - various aspects show somewhat sadly to say, a 'common mistreating' and 'misjudgement, psychological references failures and history of individual. The author mistook being lucid or distanced for the effects of brainwashing* - another 'thoughtless' case, depersonalisation and depersonalisation of 'actuality' of events, memories and surroundings, a common inability to calculate a span - a need in this to show you are 'of calculation' itself - various other inflicting degree's such as medications interfering directly in deep sleep (REM stages), oppressive elements- repression (being subdued) until forms 'acceptance' of kinds (forceful sedative agents, constantly under, and a need to be above this,  abusive issues form itself from this restriction/alleviation) - formations of needs to conspire, further formed from social interpretations against the individual, being of the negative (subject to awareness of this, subject to knowing it is the very medication causing these issues, acceptance points within this - dealing with psychiatrist (furthered formations working against the individual and the individuals awareness of this) with non trust elements and furthering) subject to positive morals amongst this by psychiatrists and a 'lift' that forms unto the individual 'layering'- *various revolving perceptions against the individual that contain furthering (within the mental health system/treatment) and the individuals aware of this, 'weakening of the persons very physicality and ability to form 'actuality' in' a rational judgement , draining of all mental and physical energies, even hormonal deficiencies linked to behaviors, fear controlling the individuals behavior (and as an overlay that spans - compulsion in this), fear reactives that further with social perceptions, 'a common problem', the 'mass trauma', ]

    Obvious behavioral issues, obvious distancing to reality, you can see the exact thought acuity by Monis in videos shown in media of Monis walking down street towards camera, nerves, being scared, fear, humiliation, embarrassment, having to force himself to hold himself up (sedative agents, dissolution amongst being 'asleep in mind and body')  - all the norm of mental health. 'Inability to 'thought acquire life memories and rationalise from', effective judgments are narrowed to jokeable degree's, knowledge of mistakes, in-fact knowledge of everything learned - mental health does not test for learning problems, wonder why.

    The very sedative agents causing 'thought lag' inabilities to obtain a 'whole perspective' the person is often left 'instinctual'  - this even forms their need to rebel, which is further disregarded as being 'illness' instead of the person knowing themselves, the 'Gods of Psychology' at their best. - every single point and aspect of judging illness, the very factors; are simply all negative with massive failure in interpretations of 'actual thoughts' of the person, try disputing that not one thing is written in a positive light about the mind in this, this is further subject to awareness of' in the patient, which is further disregarded. Judging a persons mind as 'being wrong' - obvious issues resulting and somewhat  not helping the person. [Reclusing psychologies]

    Psychology is not accurate in first place, these forceful detainment abilities aggravate fear in the person, clouding the very interpretations [paranoia] - 'The better Psychiatrist' - awareness in patient, forcing the very 'feeling of oppressions' - the very hate for ones own minds abilities. Judgement is focused, it only interprets 'outlaying' thoughts, there is no recognition of 'a whole span' its principal recognises fear, nerves - often the very instabilities put on the person that is being interpreted - there is no ability to read the mind, thinking you can read the mind is just stupidity often of these 'Gods of Psychologies' -apart and disassociated with individualism itself, a span of patients between interviews, history of, previous 'stigmas' formed - some-what childish believe that always forms they are above the patient, their own alleviations even when a patient confronts well - the very manipulative aspects rotate in a decline on the patient. [subject to even manipulations in patient, being seen as a 'mental' issue, instead of the very abuse that medications 'force']

    These medications issued, employ use of sedative agents, factors to resolutions of very 'forceful' sedation this causes, these medications are 'not of a pleasing nature' until this plateau of submission of mind is formed as a standard plateau, stopping these medications will cause almost 'heroin like withdrawal sicknesses' - the mind springs back up, the person during this process left 'on a nod' in anguish, a distant cry' for quite a lengthy period - being forced into submission, with many factors like anger about this.

    The forceful sedation creates a 'manipulative' element, the mind alleviating itself as a constant, to know you are innocent, formation of 'acceptance' into being of a 'blank disregard, being of constant innocence' - this furthers with not letting how you feel known because of the very detaining system and knowledge of the very 'fear' you went through, with further lack of ability to explain and often ignored by psychiatrists, these manipulations through restriction/alleviations form transference to Psychiatrists in this; a disregarding wall that the patient is not able to change, which this uncomfortableness is further disregarded; and a distant anguish is caused, the very abusive issues in this - you are left with the common, patients 'going off' in wards. [combating knowledge of ones own innocence, with innocence being disregarded is further seen as an issue with mind, alleviations till a 'blank recognition is acquired, combative to thought itself']

    Comparisons [ a basis of distancing cry] ; spatial awareness; awareness of surrounding confines - distance to surrounding confines; awareness of, thought-restriction, point-to-point perspective; reclusions of thought itself, actuality distance, actuality of thought submission, awareness of distance to surrounding; 'thought confinement' ; to be only aware of your submission; distance of scream; acceptance of oppression; cognition input of; calculation of restrictive inclusions; 'a distant cry, a distant scream' - distance to objectivity; to force reclusion in thought; 'thoughts in mind' - subject to forming 'an actuality' in mind; learning programming of acceptances 'spatial acceptances' - learning infraction 'refraction/refrictives/reflection' - subjection of oneself; to be reflection of oneself; at advisory of own torture premise; instinctual awareness/tracing of events and trace calculation of; fright oppression; fear acceptances; awareness of restriction without ability to explain; typical learning reclusion.awareness of further treatment, awareness of system decline and fear about, fear of future;

    Smoking/coffee Impatience : physical restrictiveness, irritabilities, subject to anxieties (claustrophobia) distance to surrounding space; effective cognition reach; a common need to heighten ones owns thought, to gain above a submissive plateau; to be of asleep in mind and want to not be; 'sedative agents' conflicting, knowing a long term outcome by patients, awareness in moment by patients is extentual in knowledge; long term outcome probabilities from feelings of high sedation/tranquilisations in momentary. -frustrations, being cranky - similarity to 'babies' (subjective use) to be trying to reach above ones own limitations - forced oppression - a standard class of impairment by forceful impairments on mind (as a standard use) knowledge of instantaneous/momentary restrictiveness (resistances knowledge upon oneself - awareness of) on ones own physicality; awareness of long term plateau formations subjection -submission of mind; those of instinctual awareness only - learning impairments - learning defracturanism

    [Note : Author is asleep while awake-]

    Please note-learning re-structurement of author to void actual diagnosis;militarism (grade) against; in future became a subject of further sickening levels of re-arrangements on medications.[voiding pretensification] thought tracing -restructuring - not sure why they assume possible - I am already pure instinct of course;


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