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Reporter Tara Brown and three other members of the 60 Minutes team are facing several charges of offences relating to kidnapping - | Australian News and Analysis Reporter Tara Brown and three other members of the 60 Minutes team are facing several charges of offences relating to kidnapping - | Australian News and Analysis

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    Tuesday, 19 April 2016

    Reporter Tara Brown and three other members of the 60 Minutes team are facing several charges of offences relating to kidnapping

    Update 21/04/2016 :
    The reporter and crew are heading home; an amount of money was paid to the husband (so stated) and the mother was left with rights to see her children only.

    An 'ok' outcome that hopefully lets the mother heal from the traumatic eventing.

    Update 19/04/2016 :

    Media height of obedient to law in Judges perceptional (viewing angle; to stance of seen in media height of committing a crime) perceptional law justification of stance - The father of Lebanon.
    (to protection of court justification of stance over actual of child, the vulnerable) aspectual view by Judge.
    -thought base of law ethic to diplomatic height attribute (to standing of own law in comparative to Australia, to equilim of law justices)  -seen as fathers rights in country (of Lebanese origin)
    Thought parallelum.

    The father is pressing charges as of known of actual standing to children (calculation of keeping children) -of expectancy to right of parental custody (proceeding with charges in a rough diplomatic country with threat of punishment in jail - calculation)
    The father of seeming little compassion by proceeding with serious level charges - expectant of rights to children.
    Standing view by Australian public of a hopeless or inability for them to defend themselves hence acceptance is gained for most part on the legality.

    Sally Faulkner:Trauma: extreme of hopeless in arrested and blocked from seeing own children, an inner threat to life extents of own babies/birth - a furthering to trauma in hopelessness of losing her own after the struggle - serious of depressic platform and acceptance forced to face in a view-able now outcome of loss of having her children - forced to mental' an impacting acceptance of doing wrong about own children gave birth to and 'of wrong or guilt in court case for emotional love for her own, the extremest of need for emphatic love (depressional-extremise)

    The option announced is accept father to have custody - a violent of emotional in hopelessness of;

    The hype has formed a recognition in public of her own fault or nothing can be done so the public let it go.

    A well known reporter and being seen as a hopeless case of nothing may be done - an acceptance by public to think doing this stated of kidnapping act is but her own doing. [you did it, justice is here now]

    The reporter fighting for fairness being seen as in thought resolute in public span as of a hopeless', another Schapelle Corby vision.

    At faulting without consideration for the fact that she is of heart or normally an acting/behaving correctly news reporter with the humane's ethics and compassion.

    The news coming out of the case being of justifiable and her complete act of illegality of justifiable charges, and a mission to take someones kids in a 'rough-third-world' country the seeming legitimacy to charge the crew for this leveled act, regardless of if the children were the mothers. [reality is the mother carried and gave birth to the children; certain weight needs to be seen]

    3 years facing of incarceration in shocking third world jail conditions for a respected news presenter (serious level pain/torment will be faced, 900 days in hellish conditions) but should we defend her based on her humaneness ?

    If jailed for a length Tara will most likely not cope living with serious offenders. [3 years in hell for a living well to live reporter ?]


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