Marbles - the planet - rescpective inner.
Everything on the planet SYO-attributes:
Circulume-a pin weight of solar rotational - phiasic revolve (sy)
Some attributing plausible are: sexual-dominance against - refliction oppressive need (sytripe rotate)
arterial-medium: baby love; want for being loved
Gas-giant : gas (fumes pliostasic)
dolphin: signal (EMULATE: learning) simulant: raptor: group aspectual coordination (communication) siprit-furthering-communicatI
screen: reflective gravitant height (atmospheric: cotton)
SIMTREMULANNONOPHEN: Simulant Trem: to walk Lan: To land: reversional dolphin, pig (human form) nono-singular genetesis: phen (signal: formant-intellI) phen-psychology -communicate.
Ballon:earth circulum: inner-gravitiant-depth (phiasic-circulumic-field)
Cry: to attention (baby) retrosceptive (retrospectual)
Splash drop - starfish (spacial cornering)
(many other attributing factors there are: all living things cohesional)