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Membratic - Sytropic-thought-conscious-existume (effective death, pain, struggle, trauma) - | Australian News and Analysis Membratic - Sytropic-thought-conscious-existume (effective death, pain, struggle, trauma) - | Australian News and Analysis

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    Sunday, 17 April 2016

    Membratic - Sytropic-thought-conscious-existume (effective death, pain, struggle, trauma)

    Existume effectrate: shock/impacting (virational surround)

    Effective of history - thought actuality (learning consciousness existume)

    Thought actuality to existume (time spacing coalescent thought)

    Everything we do effects an outcome on future - war death effects the furthering -

    Reversional to oppression and resistan' to the oppression (be it war) effectuate middle - counter-balance to resistan - Stropient-adaptI, cyclo-resistan (tripic-thought-coaxial-resistan)

    Reflectional inter-siamnt (span of thought cohesional momentarium) to reflective-thought-forwarding.

    Ideal: Thought-entro-duplicy (duo connecting: 2 to furthering 3 or more) Three being of furthering to sytric-reflective (multiplicity) The man, The women and the child.

    conscious-point; elevatory-reversion; net occurrent; stasic-phiascal-entromorphiant (luminatory-lift; assceminism)

    Thought actuality------------------------------------------
    Coalesscent time spacing - impacting on link (sytropic-connectivity) the very esscene' of life.
    Thought conscious and thought memory of eventing of trauma - impacting on further - traumatic elevational (syprient-acitvity)

    Coallescent beings (time of oppression faced to regenerative adaptional) electo/electim (thought actuality faced)


    Noted PRIOR:
    An attack form of instinctual reversional, to adaptive of defensive height and shock to revergenative to adaptation Genesis; adaptive after life, to come back at sharper on the attack form of subjected to in electo-defiene momentarium of the creatures fight.

    Electo-shock adaptional to living (transjectory -pathing electo-simulus) [electo-defience] Elestic-in-synchron (elecstasic-virative-sync) The momentarium of intelli-ectic shock that convults layering of nerve-siprient-defeine (a layering of translascent adaptivity of genetical makeup)
    [stimulai - ecto-reach] luminatory-cohesivinal resistant (light growth to formatory) light-eccensce, luminatory asscentil (a virational shock/resist/oppressional to faced momentarium defience furthering) entrolumnuim-connesic-vibrato (instrumentalisation of life cohesive growth) vitracem-pathing-electic (trajectional living spacic/spatial - to disruptional /attack reprieve/prevalence)
    Virational-body-in-sceminism-reactive (reactive/ecto to avoidan/protect sectial virance (objective /selecting target reversional) reversional-target defiene (ecto-learning-instinctual - to a prior) Adaptive neko-plastinicite. [membratic-amnusism] 

    War Example:


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