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Mankinds Greatest Threat: Thought/Conscious Technologies - | Australian News and Analysis Mankinds Greatest Threat: Thought/Conscious Technologies - | Australian News and Analysis

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    Saturday, 18 December 2021

    Mankinds Greatest Threat: Thought/Conscious Technologies

    Thought (ticipal-height)

    Axioul-reversion (to oppressive/mentalism prescipitatory - to life surrounding, animals, bio-adaptives) a form of slavery - control;

    Thought insertion may become a constant -a dreamworld (informative superiority) and the first to use thought insertion may be the always in control - a reach of thought height - a clouding to reality- a form of direct engagement -consistent control -

    And there will be no more escape - as to think is an escape, or to use means to escape [ie: destroy the source] is only a dream- you may rid the thought-transmitter, and you celebrated a worldwide greatness becoming free, but it was just a dream, another controlling axis -a layerable confine (further restriction)

    The height of thought: Example: imagine a skipping rope linking humans minds together - and not on the skipping rope, free from is the oppressor/enemy completely unknown and in control.

    Mental persecution at always - design-able life.

    Is this current day and age? with Sy-Child reflectives being of reflective in movies we watch - is the Matrix and further a sign of mental entrapment? - a mental prescipting net (enslavery) :
    SY-Reflesional (actuality) attributes number. SY-Actuality (the moment of recurrence from surrounds perhaps even space and timing; spacial-recurrence)

    Thought-reversion-forwarding-awareness: control of; awareness as to reality [sy-net manipulation] a fight against may even be won in the vision, but reality is that you could conquer the world but it never happened - pure 'block' enslavement (with no possible exit at worst scenario of a control of thought at the masses level ;divisional; )

    Is thought understanding (to influence) at a level where can be controlled? In use by Governments?

    A singular form of fear and alleviatory (Sytropial-synct) and is mental health the use of we see? the impacting of?

    Some Plauses: sectional plateau's of thought existem;directive control; barrial knowns (forced acceptance of slavery) oppressive-thought-verge (informational gains)

    With thought control you could keep someone in a box of reality - they could be fighting a war in a box but there is no war - keeping an entire country in a war where they win for example; they win the war and everything settles down - a false history timeline - there is no escape with this level of thought control -

    The very means /equipment technology you use to obtain freedom from; is not real or monitored by the oppressor - escape the impossibility on wide scale thought control. 

    Under satellite thought control - even exploring space will be fake - thought control is the end all - a form of slavery that cant be beaten - there will be no options to escape - this will happen if is not existent now. (pretence: exploring space when in reality its just a vision and the person is still on the ground) the control is limitless.

    They could keep people in a minimal non-cognition (non-thought) and dreams are just not even noticed. Robotics basically.

    How far off is this technological age?
    Already as we speak we are advancing our understanding of our neurological selves; experiments and successes include electrical impulses around the body and ability to read partial thought signals in specific area's of the brain for use in devices such as disabled care, there is much advancement in this area.

    Different platforms: 
    1:) allowing of freedoms (and with ordering of control on the countries/Government) [with perhaps more control than demonstrated]
    2:) partial interference or hidden of extents (platoformal manipulation on control) and/or proof of capability (to the country) and obedience from
    3a:) sectional complete influence (the reality of multi-platformed) wide controlling
    3b:)There is also the threat of capability (this may be proof/acknowledging of a strike capability of possible)

    But.. of course - we would never find out and the extents would be so bad, the country could almost admit once has thought influencing ability - a nothingness/hopelessness that 'anything could be done about this level of control. A complete dreamworld of thought impacting.


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