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    Sunday, 23 December 2018


    SyntaxI-Explanations. We comprised a few descriptional meanings to show you a terminology structure.

    Mental Health and Terror
    SyntaxI Explanations

    Siprient-entromophis: Siprient:alien/serpant-I; move connective;
    forwading/formantal-morph, coallescent-combined.

    Exomorphic: external; from outside; of before; alien to; sick 'living' morph; connection leeway, crossing; 'and capable of morph', a wave of morphian*.

    Morphian*: Of connective, type of being, the life that bends with parallax.

    Drantraxial*: dark being, of the darkness of acts, an extension of power for dark [shadow play]

    Non-Cognition-actuality: Blank space of mind, non-thought, opposite of thought, the height of thought, 'reversion of thought' [receptibility of non-cognition]

    Seperation of thought: fear-retraction forwards, parallax of thought, reversional-forwarding [formance/formant] -half PSY forwarding from reversion [parallaxing: sentry, sentience surround, distances] co-existan of fear/react/reflex and alleviation. [synise]

    Synaptic-verge: thought process edge, 'synapses' relating to a synapse or synapses between nerve cells, verge: furthering, of sharpness 'point of reach' 'extenusis*' ;

    Dioceptor: 'dualic*' reality interceptor, multiple recept - ' a traveller' -ception of traversing

    Menascis*: menacing being; technological superiority causes joy in playing with less advanced beings, SY'stem* manipulations. [manacing alien] a Devil.

    Echume*: an echo of life, a reverberation of furthering, echo-sys -distancing vibration, singular echo, a queue of surrounds.

    Sytro-propherix*-entalume*: of psych (mental sciences); the prophecy of wishful thought, un-natural abilities, enta*: of the point of, furtherant*-point; luminance (light) [human species, alien to the world, of the technological design of life]

    Spatial-distancing: distance of surround perceptives*, a reality of distant, space of; mental perceptive of distance surrounding (usually spatial-confines) perceptive-reach (to be of mental limitation of spatial surrounds)
    Spacial-distancing: [assumption] space movementations* verge, distant of spacial movementate* 'instrinct* of mental/physical' coalescent of planetary shifting 'spacial existing of gravitation movement' [esscentriates]

    Sleep-Dualascy: ('inner-inner' formantion*) dualic-void, duality (exstasic-shock, reverberation) inner-depth recursion (spacic-ghosting) parallax to sleep. [life-existant, counscious living/leveling, siprient balance]

    Linear-comfortability: synaptic-edge, ANXIT* 'how comfortable of' - Forwarding-verge (distan*) human repression edge 'tropic' of singular or mass, of spacic edge (spatial/spacic strinct*, tropic global synct*) spasic-vergant* ; refliction (consious-impacting)

    Victims Psychology: the psychology inherited of victim/s - multiplicity cohesional* (linking) 'circulus* of spatial intensification, abuse/confliction leading, recept (inter-conflictive)

    Extreactment: synapsis-dissolve, pressure/string of brain particle splatter, the streak of - pressure and outward strain of conscious/mental -thinning of physical conscious/matter, plateau/level shifting vibrancy/assimilate; for thinning of physical [leads to weight gain] outward strinct* -submissional* elevation (medication exstasic* shock) narrowing expulsion (psy restrict, narrowed recept) points of issect* (vibrancy/psy with gaps)

    Exstasic-shock: a 'barrier/passage' to mental fitness/direction (balance to relieve/alleviate) [neuroletic snap/abruption] weakening of physical state and mental, 'psychology of person' ; neural field stasic*/static -individualising cohesion (spike above balance of psycho-connesis; irate) inner-recursion (absorptive height/reach-linear, dissaray/dissolute conscious/connective)

    *=descriptive Language


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