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Trump/Biden 2020: Will Trump Win From Mass of Witnessing - | Australian News and Analysis Trump/Biden 2020: Will Trump Win From Mass of Witnessing - | Australian News and Analysis

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    Tuesday, 3 November 2020

    Trump/Biden 2020: Will Trump Win From Mass of Witnessing

    Update: Biden won.

    I think Trump will get in again; People always seem to vote for a difference/change (most to, impacting/naturisms)

    Trump is more extravagant I mean, the most driven and expressive [behaviour] on topics.

    Trump is in media more, his antics and brashness will win him a lot of far-reaching support (most witnessed, most escalation/exactness on a mass) 

    You need the coverage and I don't think Biden has it or as much, or appeal for a radical idea's/stories which drive 'change voters'.

    You need to stand out and I do not think Biden has amassed as much attention for furthered reach extents.

    Minorities be it whatever they/are; drive votes towards furthest extents/chances as well.

    It is hard to tell who will win though, as Biden has Obama's support -which he is a change variable.

    People arise/lift to power as well and it is well known that Trump is rich. 

    Really I liked Obama better than these two, he was intellectually more on point and this can be seen in his communication skills/exacting.  

    SyntaXI: neuroleptic-appraisal-lift, cognition-witnessing-alertness, parallax-repeating-furtherant 


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