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SY-Basis - Basic Psychologies - | Australian News and Analysis SY-Basis - Basic Psychologies - | Australian News and Analysis

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    Tuesday, 28 December 2021

    SY-Basis - Basic Psychologies


    (constriction/strict of mental virate - anxiety, oppressive parallax)

    Suppression-plateau lowers neutrality (half complex) lifted reality (displacement) non-cognition -de-sensitisation of reality state (momentary to hourly sianiptic-verge) time-life-levelling (weakening long term of tropic) coalistic-suppression [submussive ixstavitality*-bilitie*/ability] comprehension/comprehensive 'exstasic*-verge diminish' (complaints, traumatic) abruptive (absorptive-tripency ; receptiveness one way, combined paralaxic forwarding- syntax- neurolectic-reversion (defensibility formance manta)

    [[normalisation-captive-acceptance points - spatial distancing; -recept-transfixture]] outward triax sytric point

    Directive Psychology:

    Judgement analysis formational overtime (psy instanti*; momentate/movementative -reverberative field, magnesis) exstasic-'momentary' (mirrored reflection, opposing design) timelife (absorptive) time exstasic reflect (inner recursion) spans overtime of medicate/treatment causes a lowering plateau/platform (directional psychology) reflective over-look (by psychiatrists) exstasic-submussion (a rutt) span of mental health associations in a 'negate' (lowering SY platformic structural)

    [imagine a spider retracting fangs, or a praying mantis retracting (associative, manta)] virative-impacting (SY-Level, reverberation) a cricket and its timing (life sciences, reflection of timing; (outward) instrumentation)

    Mental attributes are a standing - leaves little ability to differentiate - standing attribute instead of individualised treating/perceptive. (a major flaw with psychiatry) focus length (span) of analysis judgement, directional virative, a span of treating as fixed/established mode/autonomous, fixtured/reflective spanning furthering, non-cognition-depth (geo-instanti, synaptic-vergant; afix point, exstasic positioning, deepening) in momentary

    The truth behind mental health delusions, aggravated into conspirital* reality (classified) by voice intentions (technological classificate*) 'the living space' - sentience height - classification at high levels is existant*/existing (the existing reality of truth) to verge-synapsic* in patients (disgusting abuse of power) cognitive reach (distan*/distant*)

    SyntaxI: Estasic* reality (fandemic-tropic*) ;exstasic-ilumminiad* (prios-existem*)

    [Non-cognitive reversion (resistant /recept)] following-illist* (linear-tripect*) TRi-I (two connection to a three vergant*, recept; reflective of mother, father and child; triax-point)

    Istasic-formant-submussion*; 'cognitive-shock', disruption/disruptor (elector*;height of election/electives)

    Resulting; Linear-comfortability. (edge-tropic)

    *=descriptional language

    (leveling of conscious exist) inner-sleep (submussive sleds) refliction/awaken (plato - virative-level) sleeplessness, Sleep void/voidin'-entrancsic - edge-syphonics-resonate plateau of; level of cognise - sleep sunder - submission (continuous) Sylight - plateau of submussion (void) sedate-continue (abrupt leveling platoform - sleep one night certain timing, sleep second night continued void multiplicite, inner) electo-submussion (electrify sleep exstase) ;exstasic-reversion-counscious-formantal (forwarding) divisionary-reflection(of dream reflection) formancing -apature-wave of forwarding, structural-sedate levels -verge subrnussion (synaptic-oppression. trailing wave, cognitive-reach (null)) distan-corruption (distort/distortion) synaptic-suppression; .electo-mutem

    Resurvix species ;re-re-serve, X connective, reflex servant, oppression -tropic influence. Ee-laxin'.

    Psy ;Psych, 'Psi musician; (elector) height of the alienating. (Thought reflect of the most alienating, SY-instanti actuality) Conscious/conscise reverberated.

    X-Cross ;XI- Xi Jinping (elector) crossing ping, cross one; 'life designate/stated of current' (differential/anti of XI conflict, PSY, XI, inter-conflict and/of male and female relations, outward tropic), alienating reflection/state of mental health- [a crossing dilemma (protected /life)]

    Closed capture' (picture-visionary, treatment-resulting) ;escapism (traumatic, exstasic-shock pyramidic structural 'rise to slave conscious dimension', geo-squaring) directional-anti, herded into, reversion stasic 'the psych reflex' - mental submussional forwarding raise, globic outcome reflectives. The alienating go to mental health or Jail -those of traumatics (viration, siant) ['alienating' capture 'pacman' reversional ghosting.']


    Niec/nial-distan; non-cognition-actuality (sync)Earth axis; linear-comfortability, axial-displacement (sianiptic-verge)

    Mental submussion of tropic-edge, cognitive/cognition stretch and targetting, anti-directional, de-sensitivity, stimulus/simulus; point semblance (point of mental tropic, linear-pathing, recurrence) submussion results in a void of mental conscious, linear-edge-suppression) formantal-sytrip (placebic glorification; extenusis; systemic-alleviate) Reverberative-decline. Counter-afflict raise and diminution (lowering plateau overall)

    Submission from medication causes the mental platem to elevate in a narrowing field (Constance of tropic submussion, resistal target form) in-cognitive; inner-depth targeting to oneself of mental. [in-cognitive recept/receptibility]

    Synaptic-verge leads to fantasic* information - Synaptic-verge (informationist) ICenetric (time latching - the past and surrounding) patients seem to come up with fantasic* stories, this is related to prior alien life/living (or surrounding) Long instrinctment* (spacial/spasic/spatial momentary) (elect-o/elector*) spacial-revolve. REFLECTIONS.

    Directive/directional psychology: Outlaying/prior standings of psychological attributes, standing value, in-forwarding momentum. In-cognitive recept and forwarding reach, spacic/spacing existed/exist of interviewing interjection/intersect parallel (impacting barrier formant/reach) SY. Weight of autonomy, formancing [ghosting-] trace-lift (repression/recursion) linear-entrancing/trance linear/sytrip[pathing]

    positional focus and ambidance

    electo-numerate (calculation)

    Glasses-focal-fixture-differentiating (outer PSY) Focal-instrinctment

    Tropic-suppression-exstasic(virative, erratic)-elevate

    Think: Tear-apart alienating (left range, remaining elec-stasic,ghosting, resistan)

    inter-slasic virational-forwarding

    Computing, non-cognition recept furthering, dislasic-targetting

    Submussion, dissolution/partial-disolve of tropic point

    As pocessed as an coma/asterix -circular form - apostrophe - sickeness name of apostrophe, clause - double P - inter-in-commen

    Cell, inside being - stored, cellular - confined, retrospective, reflective of cell (cellular) type of confines

    Inter-stasic (medication downstream); repression (electo-synicity)

    non-cognitive/slice/drift 'attempts at focus' (vibrancy, cognition spacing and targeting) [Resisitive -oppositional state of retract ] sub-formantal-platoform (inner-inner recursion) sub-platem-awareness

    'Mutem-soniscic' 'the attacking of sound vibrative' parallel-input-abruptive;morphic-adaptive; reflective-mirroring

    Phypersensitiveness; stroppy-resistant-furthering

    Anti-differential example:

    [-----|------------------] Applying to the 2/5ths -

    Russia and USA - VS next power differential of lesser from past infliction of war (mass vs tropic of fear/pain) China, opposing Japan power, reversional-forwarding (mass of population /vs reign of power against, elector stance) 'even' semblock (transfer in a middle state design)

    When you analyse someones exacting thought - it causes a misdirection actually, reflective-forwarding, focus points to the first thought and generally the after rationalisation is missed /reflect instant amplificant and distractional parallax [inter] ('head strafe away', outwarding/inwarding-tunnel 'dualascy') *semblance (reality of outward) opposing negating (counter-afflict exacting psych appointments, inter--exaction-forwarding-)- reversional formant Paralaxxing insight**elector stimulus*

    *inter-section-furthering **dislasic-vibrancy [ exstatic-dwelling, narrowed outwarding]

    Mental health, memory trace/trancing-recollection (memory ghosting only not acuity of memory intact*)

    Phiasic-displacement (parallax) Synaptic-disruption-length, echume-[revisit, re-snap/attach] (readability) the ghosting of parallax(funnel) point of medium inflict/adapt/counter-atattch

    Parallism[medium-impact-point]:drift: alleviation/fear (negative/positive) reversion/forwarding/lift/decline

    Reversional focus (adaptive multiplicity, neral-exacting, submussive-in-concen)

    The forwarding of alien (to move, steps, concurrency/viration-directing/directional, the waking species/to walk) elector-repeat -gravametric-displacing (spacial-virate, rotational-ghosting, synct) aggrevative-life (link, resistan) linear-synct, outer-point-of-resistan (recursive impacting)

    inter-seperate complexum (target)

    Mental health, memory trace/trancing-recollection (memory ghosting only not acuity of memory intact*)

    Phiasic-displacement (parallax) Synaptic-disruption-length, echume-[revisit, re-snap/attach] (readability) the ghosting of parallax(funnel) point of medium inflict/adapt/counter-atattch

    Parallism[medium-impact-point]:drift: alleviation/fear (negative/positive) reversion/forwarding/lift/decline

    inter-impact-parallex-furthering: Rotational-in-exacting; counter-pressure

    Reversional focus (adaptive multiplicity, neral-exacting, submussive-in-concen)

    The forwarding of alien (to move, steps, concurrency/viration-directing/directional, the waking species/to walk) elector-repeat -gravametric-displacing (spacial-virate, rotational-ghosting, synct) aggrevative-life (link, resistan) linear-synct, outer-point-of-resistan (recursive impacting)

    inter-seperate complexum (target)

    Sitauational manipulation (predictability form)

    irate (parallex disruption, distraction parallel abuse) Cognition extensibility-smoking impatience[licit connectivity]

    the alienating absorptive (reflection formance)

    Sleep platoform (leveling of conscious exist) in sleep (submussive meds) refliction/awaken (plato - virative-level) sleeplessness Sleep void/voidin'-entrancsic -edge-syphonics-resonate

    plateau of; level of cognise - sleep sunder - submission (continous) Sylight - plateau of submussion (void) sedate-continue (abrupt leveling platoform - sleep one night certain timing, sleep second night continued void multiplicite) electo-submussion (electrify sleep exstase) ;exstasic-reversion-counscious-formantal (forwarding) divisionary-reflection(of dream reflection) formancing -apature-wave of forwarding, structural-sedate levels -verge submussion (synaptic-oppression)

    Post on how synaptic-verge leads to fantasic information - Synaptic-verge (informationist) ICenetric (time latching - the past and surrounding) patients seem to come up with fantasic stories, this is related to prior alien life/living. (or surrounding) Long instrinctment (spacial momentary) (electro) spacial-revolve. The truth behind mental health dellusions, aggravated into conspirital reality (classified) by voice intentions (technological classificate) the living space - sentience height - classification at high levels is existant*/existing (existing reality of truth) to verge-synapsic in patients, congitive reach (distan/distant*)

    Growth state reflectivity[rotational strinct] (forwarding)

    Parallel-stretch (medicative sling, licime-effectrate)

    Triciple circulume (point of connect and parallax) dislascic attatch/re-attacti

    Intersection examplitude

    Psy reversion (what is there is a reversion)- - psych exacting is life connect opposite -

    revisional-actuality, long instrinctment -BALANCE


    Our Dreaming is affected by our past and traumastic- living. (inter-refliction, parallaxing, instanti)


    Dream state inter-respression (period without medication, intrim-activa) electic-amplificate ;sensitivity-eccless (ecto-transist) echum-virational (dreaming-state-refliction) awareness de-sensatate ;level of cognitive fixture, streaming-tunnel (liscit-ambrosiate, strinct-spatial living)

    positional [where you reside] (virato surrounds, conflictory) funnellesc (sensor-sensitive)

    Reflictory-ensadial (spatial-strinct-ratacX)

    Exstasic-reversion-counscious-formantal (forwarding)

    Soniscic-virate-inwarding: Paralism[inter]  (mental instability)

    'Xi Jinping': Olympics: Reflective of height standings/how perceived in west idealism/vision - comparative-prowess, link between western -proving themselves. World of theatre.
    Trisillic-conversion. Tricillic reversion. Stio-phasic. Syto-fixture-destability
    Virational disrupt/displacement waves ( friction of earth turning on space/spacial density, linear sub space) depth mental resistan, electrosync sytro-extentuates, sun-base illicity (illiast-function)
    'Reception' stage-learning; in-warding-neuroplasty (receptive-pathing) exacting-directional-terminem (receptive-phase) -fear-instinctiveness (sync-instructional)


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